Military & Combat

Monday, June 17

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War Chronicles

North Africa: The Desert War

February 1942: The brilliant and clever "Desert Fox," General Field Marshal Rommel, leads his Africa Corps in a bloody confrontation against the veterans of the British 1st Army and U.S. soldiers in this legendary battle.

War Chronicles

The Beachhead at Anzio

The plan was to cut off German communications for an all-important invasion of Italy. But would a daring Nazi attack penetrate the Allied beachhead? Remarkable footage and firsthand accounts tell the story of one of WW2's fiercest battles.

War Chronicles

Bomber Offensive: The Air War in Europe

In 1943, Britian began bomber offensives over Germany's war production sites. Bombing targets and improved fighter protection would soon occur.

War Chronicles

Battle of Germany

As the curtain rose on the final act of WW2's European theatre of war, Eisenhower was finally able to establish a bridgehead into Germany; and, by April 1, the first battle for the Rhine was over and Berlin was getting closer each day.

Story Feature

Okinawa: The Last Battle

In the very shadow of the Japanese homeland, Okinawa island was crucial to U.S. invasion strategy, but was a tactical nightmare--made worse by massive enemy forces and endless squadrons of kamikazes. We'll examine the bloody U.S. victory.

Air Combat

The Fighters

Trace the sophisticated technology of the modern jet fighter from the multi-purpose F-4 Phantom to today's highly specialized F-14 Tomcat.

Weapons at War


The foot soldier advances and engages his enemy face to face, often hand-to-hand.

Story Feature

Japan Under American Occupation

The Japanese surrender at the end of WWII allowed U.S. troops to peacefully enter as an occupying force. What they found and how they transformed their former enemy is told through the work of a team of cameramen who recorded it all on color film.

Story Feature

World War II From Space

This spectacular two-hour special delivers the tipping points of World War II as you've never seen them before. The key editorial feature of the program is an all-seeing CGI eye; a satellite, flying above earth, bringing a new visual approach to the biggest conflict of all time. Flying through space and time from above, we'll see these monumental moments in their global context, bringing new information to the forefront and explaining how a nation ranked 19th in the world's militaries in 1939, emerged six years later as the planet's only atomic superpower. Our view from above means we can re-interpret WWII; placing key events in perspective, flying around the world to show the importance of simultaneity, revealing the hidden ripple effects of crucial incidents, and re-creating ground-breaking moments that could never have been captured on camera.
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