Unexplained Phenomena

Saturday, June 22

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History's Mysteries

Ghost Ships

Ships sailing without a crew? Phantom destroyers? Boats that disappear, then reappear? The Flying Dutchman, the Mary Celeste, the Dash, the Teazer, and the more recent Joyita. Crews of these vessels vanished without a clue to their fates. We travel the seven seas seeking answers and hear from witnesses to the bizarre events.

History's Mysteries

Mysteries of the Devil's Triangles

Join us as we explore and explain some of the most mysterious spots on earth--Devil's Triangles--where an unusual number of unexplainable tragedies occur time and again. We'll visit the Bermuda Triangle, which has swallowed up ships, planes, and people and the more deadly Great Lakes Triangle, where ghost ships routinely sail.

History's Mysteries

Nazi Ghost Train

In 1944 in Brussels, the Gestapo loaded 1,500 prisoners on a train bound for Germany and almost certain death. Among them were Allied invaders and Resistance workers. But the Resistance foiled Nazi plans and prevented the train's departure. We talk to survivors and former Resistance members at a 1999 Comet Line Reunion in Brussels.

History's Mysteries

Secret Societies

Some of the world's most powerful individuals belong to secret organizations. The Skull & Bones, the Bilderbergs, and the Tri-Lateral Commission are just a few of the groups that many suspect are conspiring to take over the world. Others believe they already have. What fuels such rampant conspiracy paranoia? We examine a number of these clandestine organizations, past and present, and reveal why so many people fear their nefarious agendas.

History's Mysteries

America's Psychic Past

The first recorded U.S. extrasensory event occurred in 1848, when two girls from New York communicated with spirits behind their bed. We'll reveal America's preternatural past--from White House seances to the CIA's testing of telepathy in espionage to Nancy Reagan's use of psychic consultants--and review "New Age" paranormal phenomena.

History's Mysteries

The Search for Noah's Ark

The great flood that destroyed the world, except for Noah, his family, and herd, would probably be dismissed as legend--if not for other ancient evidence suggesting the presence of a once-massive flood. Instead, the quest for Noah's Ark continues to this day--one of the most controversial searches for one of the largest items described in the Bible. We'll examine evidence of those who claim to have found proof of the Ark, and visit Mt. Ararat and other targeted sites for the landing of the Ark.

History's Mysteries

Sodom & Gomorrah

Did the sinful biblical cities Sodom and Gomorrah exist, or was the story of their destruction crafted for other purposes? Near the Dead Sea, archaeologists uncovered the ruins of two ancient cities, Bab-edh-dhra and Numeira, that show evidence of fire and collapse and an inscription on a sanctuary near a cave calling it a shrine to Lot. Is this the cave where Lot and his daughters sought refuge after the demise of the evil cities? We examine the many theories.

History's Mysteries

Monsters of the Sea

Gargantuan creatures rising from ocean depths to wreak havoc on man! Are they figments of the imagination or living relics of prehistoric times? We investigate the first documented American sea serpent sighted at Cape Ann, Massachusetts in 1639, and the weird fish Coelacanth, caught off Africa and thought to be extinct for 70-million years. We also feature footage, shot by a fisherman off Vancouver's coast, of Cadborosauras, a large creature that is "to science, an unknown animal.

History's Mysteries

Ghost Ships

Ships sailing without a crew? Phantom destroyers? Boats that disappear, then reappear? The Flying Dutchman, the Mary Celeste, the Dash, the Teazer, and the more recent Joyita. Crews of these vessels vanished without a clue to their fates. We travel the seven seas seeking answers and hear from witnesses to the bizarre events.

History's Mysteries

Mysteries of the Devil's Triangles

Join us as we explore and explain some of the most mysterious spots on earth--Devil's Triangles--where an unusual number of unexplainable tragedies occur time and again. We'll visit the Bermuda Triangle, which has swallowed up ships, planes, and people and the more deadly Great Lakes Triangle, where ghost ships routinely sail.

History's Mysteries

Nazi Ghost Train

In 1944 in Brussels, the Gestapo loaded 1,500 prisoners on a train bound for Germany and almost certain death. Among them were Allied invaders and Resistance workers. But the Resistance foiled Nazi plans and prevented the train's departure. We talk to survivors and former Resistance members at a 1999 Comet Line Reunion in Brussels.

History's Mysteries

Secret Societies

Some of the world's most powerful individuals belong to secret organizations. The Skull & Bones, the Bilderbergs, and the Tri-Lateral Commission are just a few of the groups that many suspect are conspiring to take over the world. Others believe they already have. What fuels such rampant conspiracy paranoia? We examine a number of these clandestine organizations, past and present, and reveal why so many people fear their nefarious agendas.

History's Mysteries

America's Psychic Past

The first recorded U.S. extrasensory event occurred in 1848, when two girls from New York communicated with spirits behind their bed. We'll reveal America's preternatural past--from White House seances to the CIA's testing of telepathy in espionage to Nancy Reagan's use of psychic consultants--and review "New Age" paranormal phenomena.

History's Mysteries

The Search for Noah's Ark

The great flood that destroyed the world, except for Noah, his family, and herd, would probably be dismissed as legend--if not for other ancient evidence suggesting the presence of a once-massive flood. Instead, the quest for Noah's Ark continues to this day--one of the most controversial searches for one of the largest items described in the Bible. We'll examine evidence of those who claim to have found proof of the Ark, and visit Mt. Ararat and other targeted sites for the landing of the Ark.

History's Mysteries

Sodom & Gomorrah

Did the sinful biblical cities Sodom and Gomorrah exist, or was the story of their destruction crafted for other purposes? Near the Dead Sea, archaeologists uncovered the ruins of two ancient cities, Bab-edh-dhra and Numeira, that show evidence of fire and collapse and an inscription on a sanctuary near a cave calling it a shrine to Lot. Is this the cave where Lot and his daughters sought refuge after the demise of the evil cities? We examine the many theories.

History's Mysteries

Monsters of the Sea

Gargantuan creatures rising from ocean depths to wreak havoc on man! Are they figments of the imagination or living relics of prehistoric times? We investigate the first documented American sea serpent sighted at Cape Ann, Massachusetts in 1639, and the weird fish Coelacanth, caught off Africa and thought to be extinct for 70-million years. We also feature footage, shot by a fisherman off Vancouver's coast, of Cadborosauras, a large creature that is "to science, an unknown animal.

History's Mysteries

Ghost Ships

Ships sailing without a crew? Phantom destroyers? Boats that disappear, then reappear? The Flying Dutchman, the Mary Celeste, the Dash, the Teazer, and the more recent Joyita. Crews of these vessels vanished without a clue to their fates. We travel the seven seas seeking answers and hear from witnesses to the bizarre events.

History's Mysteries

Mysteries of the Devil's Triangles

Join us as we explore and explain some of the most mysterious spots on earth--Devil's Triangles--where an unusual number of unexplainable tragedies occur time and again. We'll visit the Bermuda Triangle, which has swallowed up ships, planes, and people and the more deadly Great Lakes Triangle, where ghost ships routinely sail.

History's Mysteries

Nazi Ghost Train

In 1944 in Brussels, the Gestapo loaded 1,500 prisoners on a train bound for Germany and almost certain death. Among them were Allied invaders and Resistance workers. But the Resistance foiled Nazi plans and prevented the train's departure. We talk to survivors and former Resistance members at a 1999 Comet Line Reunion in Brussels.

History's Mysteries

Secret Societies

Some of the world's most powerful individuals belong to secret organizations. The Skull & Bones, the Bilderbergs, and the Tri-Lateral Commission are just a few of the groups that many suspect are conspiring to take over the world. Others believe they already have. What fuels such rampant conspiracy paranoia? We examine a number of these clandestine organizations, past and present, and reveal why so many people fear their nefarious agendas.

History's Mysteries

America's Psychic Past

The first recorded U.S. extrasensory event occurred in 1848, when two girls from New York communicated with spirits behind their bed. We'll reveal America's preternatural past--from White House seances to the CIA's testing of telepathy in espionage to Nancy Reagan's use of psychic consultants--and review "New Age" paranormal phenomena.

History's Mysteries

The Search for Noah's Ark

The great flood that destroyed the world, except for Noah, his family, and herd, would probably be dismissed as legend--if not for other ancient evidence suggesting the presence of a once-massive flood. Instead, the quest for Noah's Ark continues to this day--one of the most controversial searches for one of the largest items described in the Bible. We'll examine evidence of those who claim to have found proof of the Ark, and visit Mt. Ararat and other targeted sites for the landing of the Ark.

History's Mysteries

Sodom & Gomorrah

Did the sinful biblical cities Sodom and Gomorrah exist, or was the story of their destruction crafted for other purposes? Near the Dead Sea, archaeologists uncovered the ruins of two ancient cities, Bab-edh-dhra and Numeira, that show evidence of fire and collapse and an inscription on a sanctuary near a cave calling it a shrine to Lot. Is this the cave where Lot and his daughters sought refuge after the demise of the evil cities? We examine the many theories.

History's Mysteries

Monsters of the Sea

Gargantuan creatures rising from ocean depths to wreak havoc on man! Are they figments of the imagination or living relics of prehistoric times? We investigate the first documented American sea serpent sighted at Cape Ann, Massachusetts in 1639, and the weird fish Coelacanth, caught off Africa and thought to be extinct for 70-million years. We also feature footage, shot by a fisherman off Vancouver's coast, of Cadborosauras, a large creature that is "to science, an unknown animal.
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